Mace Horoff
Mace Horoff is an award-winning speaker, on-site and virtual trainer, consultant and the author of the book, Mastering Medical Sales. Mace is a thirty-nine year veteran in healthcare sales. His roles included selling, managing, consulting, and for the last 16 years, leading Sales Pilot Medical Sales Performance, a consulting company dedicated to helping medical sales teams sell more and retain business without making foolish mistakes. His clients include companies in the Fortune 500 as well as smaller manufacturers and distributors. Mace writes The Medical Sales Blog and produces The Medical Sales Guru Podcast & Medical Sales Video Channel. He is also the creator of Medical Sales Academy, an online training and support site for medical sales professionals and in 2020 created The Virtual/Blended Medical Sales Course to help medical sales professionals bridge the gap between virtual and in-person selling. For information on Mace's training, workshops, and mind-shifting keynotes that generate sales growth, please visit the Sales Pilot Medical Sales Performance website or call +1.561.333.8080. Medical Sales Reps: YOU Are The Brand How to Overcome a Customer’s Perception of Your Youth & Inexperience in Medical Sales
@ 12:14 pm
My biggest 2 biggest challenge are:
How to organize my sales contacts, leads including where to store them for easy access.
What info do I need to collect on my medical sales projects, where to store them.
Is physical files better to store prospects contacts.
2. Face to face call rotation
How to prioritize who you see every day, week month ect.
@ 6:30 pm
Mark, organization is critical. It does not matter if you you use physical files or digital. Personally, I prefer digital because they can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. They are also backed-up in case you lose your device. With a physical file, if you lose it, it’s gone! You want to have the file with you to enter data right after a sales call.
Prioritizing who you see and how frequently is a function of their potential sales value and how ready they are to buy. It’s that simple. Evaluate every customer based on actual business and potential business.