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Mace Horoff


  1. Mace Horoff
    @ 3:05 pm

    What apps or tricks do you use to archive and retrieve information effectively? Thanks for sharing…

  2. Jackie Brock
    @ 7:33 am

    I’ve personally witnessed the act I refer to as “the sales fumble”. It was heart breaking to watch and I’m certain embarrassing for the rep. I myself use CRM (Salesforce) religiously, even purchasing the license myself when going to a company without. Expensive but worth twenty times as much in lost revenue and the appearance of “fumbling”. Lastly, apps like Dropbox or the Files keeps my data clean and quickly searchable/transferable before I ever leave the building.

    Thanks Mace. Once again, spot on.

  3. Michele Dambach
    @ 8:44 am

    As someone in limbo between switching 100% to technology, I enjoyed your article. I have stuck my toes in the water with Evernote, and obviously need to explore the app more. I have it installed on my phone, but need to install it on my ipad and laptop. Thanks for your insight and very thorough explanation. I’ll be sharing your article with members of our community – we are a job board exclusive to the Medical Device sales and Pharma Sales community. I am sure your information will be helpful to many of them. Thanks again.

  4. Taylor Jones
    @ 10:54 pm

    I use Google Drive to sync all documents on my phone, ipad and laptop. I can access them through all devices. All training materials, research articles, videos and other sales tools are on here. It makes it easy to access information in situations when I least expect to need it. I always have resources and information on me.

    Thank you Mace for the continued articles and podcasts. I find them extremely helpful and enjoy listening while in the car going from office to office.

  5. Mace Horoff
    @ 6:34 am

    Taylor, thank you for your kind comments. It’s great to hear from people like you and Jackie who are capitalizing on the available technologies to have supporting information at your fingertips.

    Please tell your sales colleagues to listen to the podcast and subscribe to the blog. Thanks again.