Sales Pilot Medical Sales Training and Mace Horoff respect your privacy and protection of all personal information you share with us. Mace Horoff & Associates, Inc., is the official publisher of Sales Pilot products, and is the site administrator of

You are welcome to visit anonymously. Personal information is not collected. Your IP address (the address of your computer) is logged to help us learn which parts of the web site you visit, and how long you spend on the individual pages. We do not link your IP address to any personally identifiable information. Your browser automatically informs us of its name and version number, so we can display the correct format for you. However, no personal information is gathered.

Limited Information Gathering

Like most commercial web sites, we use cookies so we can better serve you with tailored information when you return. Cookies are small text identifiers sent to your computer to facilitate subsequent visits. Most browsers let you define preferences to notify you when you are sent cookies and let you decide whether to accept or reject them. Virtually all browsers let you remove cookies from your computer. Cookies cannot retrieve information from your computer, spread viruses, or capture your e-mail address. Mace Horoff & Associates, Inc. uses the information collected with cookies to track site use and improve our service to you and other visitors. We do not use cookies to gather personal information about you.

We use software to analyze traffic to this website. But it does not create individual profiles for visitors, it only collects aggregate data.

Mace Horoff & Associates, Inc. may collect personal information voluntarily supplied by you when you order products, enter contests, complete surveys, and the like. Mace Horoff & Associates, Inc. clearly informs you in advance, and explains how this personal information is to be used. You have a right not to provide this information. If you choose not to provide such information, you are still welcome to visit, but may be unable to participate in certain options, offers and services.

Uses of Personal Information

If you supply Mace Horoff & Associates, Inc. your postal address, you may receive periodic mailings to inform you of new products, services, events, etc. If you prefer not to receive such mailings, please don’t subscribe to our email list or if you have you may unsubscribe at any time.

Our site’s registration form requires users to give us contact information (like their name and email address). We use customer contact information from the registration form to send the user our electronic newsletter and other information about our company’s products and services. Contact information from the order form is used to send orders and information about our company to our customers. Your information is also used to contact you in the event we have a question about your order. Financial information that is collected is used to bill the user for products and services. It is never divulged to any outside party. You may opt-out of receiving future mailings; see the choice/opt-out section below.


Your information remains confidential to Mace Horoff & Associates, Inc. and its assigns. We do not trade or rent our list. This site may contain links to other sites. Mace Horoff & Associates, Inc. is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites.


This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. Our shopping cart is run on a secure server. If you directly Email us, we suggest that you send two Emails and break your credit card number in two. Send half the number in one Email and the other half plus the expiration date in the other Email.

Controller Agreements

Some of your contact data that we collect are managed by third party companies. The names of these companies and links to their privacy policies are below:


This site gives users the following options for removing their information from our database to not receive future communications or to no longer receive our service. There is a link on every email that we send to unsubscribe from our lists. Recipients can unsubscribe at any time by clicking this unsubscribe link, or by contacting Sales Pilot via the contact link on this WebPage.

Please contact us via email or at 561.333.8080 with any questions or comments regarding our privacy policy.