In Medical Sales, You Don’t Have to Go It Alone!
Medical sales representatives tend to be competitive people who like to produce results. Unfortunately, many don’t consider a win, a win unless they achieve it on their own. This is a mistake, especially since many sales reps have a host of people they can call on for assistance.
The sale is becoming more complex with more decision-makers involved. It makes sense to have a strategy and specific tactics to move forward in the sales process. Why do it on your own if you don’t need to?
Who are your resources? Your sales manager or distributor, product mangers, marketing managers, specialists whose job is to address specific issues such as GPO contracts, your fellow sales associates, and many more. Who do you have access to who can help you to close the sale?
You have probably have heard the expression, “Don’t take a knife to a gunfight.” The idea here is not to be outgunned by your customers. If you’re working on a sale that’s taking more time and effort than you have imagined, start tapping into your resources. When you win, they win. Bring them along for the ride.