
Medical Sales Competition: Be Better Than the Products You Sell
You know what bothers me? Whiny salespeople who whine that the reason they’re not hitting quota is because their product isn’t as good as the competition’s. So, let me get this right…you’re going out on sales calls and trying to sell a product, when you believe in your heart that the competitor’s product is better […]
5 Steps to Stop Sabotaging Your Medical Sales Efforts with a Boring Demeanor
If I were to describe the average demeanor of a salesperson presenting a product to a healthcare professional, it would be somewhere between going to the dentist to get a cavity fixed and watching paint dry. In other words, they don’t seem very excited and they just want to get it over with. If you’re […]
Medical Sales Product Positioning – Think Before You Speak!
You may have heard that positioning is everything. That’s true only if you want to successfully gain the attention of the decision-makers you call on and close more sales. Many sales reps use the term, but too many don’t really understand what it means or how to position their products and services. Do you think […]
The Changing Model for O.R. Medical Sales Reps
I’ve been getting a lot of calls lately from sales representatives asking me if I think the rep model will change. It’s already changing. More hospitals around the country are adopting a model where representatives are no longer used in the operating room during orthopedic recon cases. In fact, the representatives are not even allowed in the operating […]
The Big Rookie Medical Sales Mistake
A sure sign of an ineffective, rookie medical sales rep is one who infuses the sales conversation with statements such as: “This is the best on the market.” “This will be great for your practice.” “Your patients will get better results.” “My product has numerous advantages over what you’re currently using.” …and any statement that […]
Donald Kelly Interviews Mace Horoff about Dealing with Reluctant Buyers
Recently, I had the honor of being interviewed by Donald Kelly, The Sales Evangelist. Donald asked some killer questions about sales and I think my answers will help you in your sales efforts. I’m talking pretty fast so there’s a lot of content here! I encourage you to subscribe to The Sales Evangelist Podcast on iTunes […]
Information Retrieval and Redundancy are Critical Success Factors for Medical Sales
A few months ago, I was talking to Denise, a medical sales rep who was asking for some help with a specific sales challenge. I asked her for some specific information to better define the problem. She said, “Wait a second…I have that written down.” She pulled out a large planner, about the size of […]
In Medical Sales, The Strong Ask for Help
Many of the people I meet in medical sales have healthy egos. I don’t mean that in a bad way. A healthy ego is necessary to sell to highly-educated healthcare professionals. But ego can blind you and make you lose the sale. Medical sales is a job where most people work alone. Even when salespeople […]
The Truth About Customer Expectations in Medical Sales
Even average medical sales reps speak a lot about meeting customer expectations. They also speak a lot about pre-call planning, asking for the business, and the importance of effective follow-up. The problem, is that just talking about these things, has little impact on your business. We are all consumers. We all have expectations for the […]