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Expert Medical Sales Knowledge

Expert Medical Sales Knowledge

Your speaker and facilitator: Mace Horoff—the guy who wrote the book about medical sales.

Expert Medical Sales Knowledge

Real-World Experience

Developed Over Four Decades Through:

  • 20+ years in the trenches medical sales experience
  • Managing medical sales teams
  • Training medical sales professionals at basic through advanced levels
  • Medical sales coaching through group coaching and one-on-one coaching

Tailored to Your Company’s Needs

All engagements with your sales force begin with a thorough understanding of your company, your products, your customer, and your competition. We interview management at both the marketing and field-level to clearly identify desired outcomes. Perceived needs are then discussed with select members of your sales force to obtain and analyze their perspective. We then propose a training process to achieve the desired sales objectives.

Expert Medical Sales Knowledge

Have a project in mind?

If you have an idea as to how I might be able to help your sales team, reach out to me. Whether it is a small or big project, I will listen and the conversation alone might provide you with some great ideas.