Case 1:
Situation and Approach: Fortune 500 pharmaceutical company launching a new drug. The company decided to try a computer-based practice system. After refining the sales message with regional sales champions and achieving success, they decided to use it to train the remaining sales representatives. They gave them two weeks to master two “chapters” of content that previously would have been delivered in large binders.
Results: The company uses a process they call credentialing to evaluate each sales representative for competency. The sales representative delivers a sales message to an actual physician who then evalutes him/her. All 62 people using the software tool “credentialed” their first time through, which astonished skeptical sales managers.
The Director of Training at the company said that they accomplished in only three days what would have taken days of workshops and many hours in the field under their old launch process.
The launch beat sales forecasts by 170% and was so successful and well-received that the practice technology is now a standard part of the pharmaceutical company’s new product launch process.
Case 2:
Situation and Approach: A global leader in cleaning, sanitizing, food safety and infection prevention products implemented a strategic initiative to capture new business to create sales growth for the company. The company introduced the practice technology to one district at a time during implementation of the plan. They started with the Los Angeles office and then the Dallas office.
Results: Out of twenty-one districts, the Los angeles office moved from a ranking of nineteenth to ninth in new customer sales in jsut six months. The Dallas office saw a 51.9% increase in new client acquisitions, climbing into the number one position.
The company felt that the specialized practice tool was instrumental in achieving their performance and is now in the process of implementing into the eleven other districts. The difference between the disticts that used the practice tool and those that didn’t was night and day.